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 those "live strong" yellow bracelets

Joined: 26 Nov 2004
Posts: 37

those "live strong" yellow bracelets Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:24 pm 

If you've seen those yellow "live strong" bracelets popularized by Lance Armstrong, what do you think of them? A lot of people I know are wearing them now, and I've noticed many pro athletes wearing them too. I know they're to raise money for cancer research, but personally I find them a little bit annoying. If you want to help cure cancer, donating money directly is more effective than wearing a yellow piece of plastic on your arm. I guess I just don't like the idea of people wearing little doodads to show everyone how charitable they are. Especially now that there are pink bracelets for breast cancer too, you could end up with a pretty crowded wrist.

Does anyone else feel the same way, or am I just a heartless grinch? They remind me of the colored chest ribbons that were popular a few years ago. First their were red ribbons for AIDS, and all the celebrities wore them. Then there were a few other colors of ribbons for various different causes, and finally there were so many you had to look like decorated military veteran to keep up with them all.

the bear

Joined: 11 Dec 2004
Posts: 2

Re: those "live strong" yellow bracelets Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:35 am 

I say you're a grinch ;-)

First, the bracelets, when purchased from LAF, DO raise money for cancer research and the other good work of Lance's foundation. Their goal, I believe, is to raise $5million through the sale of those bracelets, and they received a $1million donation from Nike (I think) to jumpstart that effort. Not completely sure of the goal or the donor, but it's 5:30 in the morning, and I have to go run, don't have time to do the research.

Second, wearing the bracelets are not to "to show everyone how charitable they are" but to help raise awareness for the cause.

Got to agree with you about the knockoffs, though. C'mon guys, how about having an original idea?

Runworks 2005 5M Racer
Rochester, NY
Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 262

Re: those "live strong" yellow bracelets Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:47 am 

Well, they are getting a bit overwhelming when you start noticing that the anchormen on the national news are even wearing them... And how long do you supposed you're expected to wear it?! I must say that I think they were a great idea, though, and have presumably raised millions towards cancer research.

Now, on the other hand, what really bugs me are those ribbon-shaped car magnets that say "I support our troops" or "God bless America" that I see on 75% of all cars now. And I'm sure not a dime is going to actually support our troops, or America, or anyone else except some entrepreneur who's getting fat and rich off of the idea. And they've become so ubiquitous that it's almost like you're saying you DON'T support our troops (regardless of whether you support the war) if you don't wear one. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer gets very active in organinzing and participating in an AIDS awareness march, but refuses to "wear the ribbon" because he doesn't want to just be like everyone else. And as a result people threaten to beat him up.

Runworks 2005 5M Racer
San Francisco, CA
Joined: 26 Nov 2004
Posts: 1157

Re: those "live strong" yellow bracelets Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:14 am 

OldManRunner wrote:
Now, on the other hand, what really bugs me are those ribbon-shaped car magnets that say "I support our troops" or "God bless America" that I see on 75% of all cars now.

The beauty of those things (if you sell them, anyway) is that they don't actually support any particular viewpoint. Or rather, they are totally vague as to what viewpoint they support, so everyone's a potential customer. I suspect there are as many people with those on their cars for whom it means "support our troops, support the war effort" as people for whom it means "support our troops, get them home safely now." Ah, to be an auto magnet manufacturer...

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